About Us
The Green Valley Tools online shop was created by a South African business, Plastrip. For the past 60 years, Plastrip has focused on supplying larger-scale agriculture and horticulture companies with the necessary tools and supplies they need to keep their crops growing. Being an entrepreneurial business itself, Plastrip wanted to offer smaller-scale entrepreneurs and individuals the opportunity to buy the same top-quality products. So here we are... providing you with ease of access to top quality brands from around the world.
A bit about Plastrip
When Plastrip was founded in the early 1960's, the business focused on manufacturing budding strips exclusively. The company has since grown in size, diversifying in terms of both products and markets, as well as expanding to international trade. Plastrip currently focuses on the following industries: agriculture, horticulture, home garden, geological and mining. Plastrip offers an extensive range of products, and continues to strive to further broaden its horizons.